Build on 79th Street, GAGDC'S 1st Annual Fundraiser Reception
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The Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation
"BUILD ON 79th STREET" A Jazz and Champagne-Infused Reception
The reception kicks-off an 18-month capital campaign that will culminate at the Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation's First Fundraising Gala in October 2018.
Donations starting at $1,000 to $10,000 will give you the opportunity to have your name engraved on a commemorative brick displayed on a donor wall in the atrium of the Auburn Gresham Healthy LifeStyle Office Building, a new catalytic redevelopment project.

Build on 79th Street, GAGDC'S 1st Annual Fundraiser Reception
839 West 79th Street, (west parking lot, heated tent)
Chicago, IL 60620
Aubun Gresham, business, development, economic development, Fundraiser
Posted in Business Events, Community Events, CAN TV Programs