BizFlex Chicago Spring 2017 has an outstanding lineup of top notch presenters, each of whom is a business owner that is passionate about helping others like you...
9:00 - Donna Tukes presents...
Full/Part-time employees or independent contractors...What's best for you?
10:00 - Cosz Rowe presents...
Earning money is a challenge...Keeping it from the taxman shouldn't be!
11:00 - Yin Kean presents...
Savvy business owners include retirement planning in their business plans.
Noon - Jonathan Simon presents...
finding the best merchant/credit card processing solution for your business.
1:00 - Lynette Lewis presents...
Ask yourself why you are always signing someone else's contract...instead of your own.
2:00 - Andre Garner presents...
Smart business owners know the best way to manage their should too!
3:00 - Len Mayersky presents...
Given the many money management options in the marketplace...who needs a bank?