Southside Memorial Day Parade
Don't forget to join the Auburn Gresham Community this coming Monday, The history of Memorial Day goes back to the 19th century. People who lost their friends and relatives in the Civil War started to decorate the graves of their dead with flowers, wreaths, and flags. That is why the initial name of the holiday was Decoration Day.
After World War I, all Americans adopted this remembrance tradition of the Southern states and devoted it to all those who died in any military action. We are honoring men and women who gave their lives for our country up to now.
Join 17th Ward Alderman Dave Moore, many youth groups, community based organizations and government officials, to honor Greater Auburn Gresham women and men veterans and their families.

Auburn Gresham, Leo Veteran's Residence, Memorial Day Parade, Veteran Families, veterans
Posted in Community Events, CAN TV Programs