Healthy Homes Series #5
Enjoy this Fall season learning how to make healthy dishes, explore popular trends of home design/rehabbing and an overview of affordable financing for your project.

Presentations Include:
-cooking demonstration: Preparing A Tasty Parsley Salad
-Home Design Trend: Selecting The Best Lightin
-Finance Overview: How To Pay For Your Rehab?
Attendees will receive raffled giveaways and also hear about energy efficient programs from The Chicago Bungalow Association.
FOR ASSISTANCE: 773.329.4111or 773.329.4198
Healthy Homes By NHS Chicago in partnership with the Whole Foods Englewood store, it is a free 6 part series created by the Englewood coordinator, it focuses on the idea of holistically creating healthy homes and includes the notion of healthy eating, sustainable rehabbing trends and introduction to financing home improvements. The goal is to expand the vision of a healthy home by showing homeowners how they can build equity in their home sustainable by rehabbing it themselves. The Healthy Homes series will conclude with a big finale on October 18, 2018.
healthy eating, Homeowner, Neighborhood Housing Services, whole foods market
Posted in Community Events, Trainings and Workshops