Event to be held at the following time, date, and location:
Thursday, January 24, 2019 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM (CST)
St. Bernard Ambulatory Care Center 6307 South Stewart Avenue Chicago, IL 60621
Click this link to downloard flyer and Please SHARE!
Community Grand Rounds is the premier program of the Center for Community Health and Vitality (CCHV). Community Grand Rounds is a series of events held in a community setting focusing on how the University of Chicago research can help improve health on the South Side. The series includes networking opportunities, formal presentations, and audience question and answer sessions on a variety of issues. This proven format allows University investigators to talk with community members about existing research projects that can improve health and wellness. Series topics are determined by community members in partnership with University faculty.
The January 24, 2019 Community Grand Rounds will focus on the topic of African American male's prostate and sexual health.
***Dinner will be served. Early arrival is strongly suggested.***
For additional information please contact Natalie Watson at 773-834-4244.

Share this event on Facebook and Twitter.We hope you can make it!
The Center for Community Health and Vitality at the University of Chicago Medicine
Community Grand Rounds, Prostrate Cancer, University of Chicago
Posted in Community Events