Why Nonprofits Should Care About the 2020 Census
According to the George Washington Institute for Public Policy’s report “Counting for Dollars 2020”, the under count of Illinoisans in the 2010 Census resulted in a loss of $952 per person of federal funding. In 2015 alone, Illinois lost $122 million for every 1 percent of the population not counted in the 2010 Census. (Illinois Complete Count Commission). Illinois is not the only state to lose out. In fact, 37 of 50 states forfeited federal funding due to Census undercounts. These losses range anywhere from Washington State's $2.6 million forfeiture to a nearly $292 million forfeiture for the State of Texas.
The 2020 Census provides an opportunity for everyone to be counted. Tribal, state,and local governments; community based organizations; faith-based groups;schools; businesses; the media; and others play a key role in developing partners to educate and motivate residents to participate in the 2020 Census. When community members are informed,they are more likely to respond to the census. Through collaborative partnerships, the U.S. Census Bureau and community leaders can reach the shared goal of counting EVERYONE in 2020.
This webinar will provide an overview of the U.S. Census; what's at stake, how nonprofits and community members can get involved and strategies for financing your outreach activities.
Capacity Building, Census, Civic Engagement, community development, Community Engagement, Nonprofit Management, Nonprofit Utopia, Valerie F. Leonard
Posted in Trainings and Workshops