Absol-delicious: Just the Fats

One of the sessions of July's FREE Health & Wellness Program: Absoldelicious - Eat Well for Better Healthy
Seniors, singles, and solidaries are all considered part of the family and welcomed to join!
Can't make it at 11:00 AM?
No worries!
Just register at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85758882405?pwd=cldOSndrV1BLbmJDNFIwK0JiR2drdz09
We will send you the video and the recipes to view at your convenience.
Absol-delicious, Advocates for Community Wellness, cooking, cooking demo, fat, food, health, Health and Wellness, healthy, healthy eating, healthy food, Healthy Lifestyle, healthy living, salt, sugar
Posted in Community Events, Trainings and Workshops