March to College and College Fair
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MARCH TO COLLEGE is an annual chip-timed 5K race and fun run/walk that is dedicated to increasing college graduation rates among minorities and students with disabilities. Runners, professionals, families, students and high school track teams are invited to participate. Kicking off the March to College is a COLLEGE FAIR that allows area universities and corporations to help high school students plan their paths to college and eventual careers in Chicago’s communities.
5K March to College and College Fair are held at Grant Park’s Upper Hutchinson Field. The College fair starts at 2:00PM and the race at 5:30. Register on-line at The price of registration is $35 for adults, $10 for students, and $35 for families of 3.
March to College and College Fair
Grant Park's Upper Hutchinson Field, Corner of Balbo and Columbus Drives
Chicago, IL 60607
5K, businesses, colleges, corporations, families, run, students, universities, walk
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