SPREAD THE WORD! Joplin Elementary School Program for Families in Gresham
Published: September 25, 2020
Hello Community,
Vocel has a few slots remaining for families and caretakers in the Gresham area with children 0-4 years old. VOCEL provides a 2 generational early learning accelerator based on science to support both the child and parent. Joplin is one of our 20 School Partners.
The Child-Parent Academy at Joplin Elementary School is open to all families living in the Greater Auburn Gresham Neighborhood-including- mothers, fathers, childcare providers, and grandparents caring for young ones. During this unprecedented time people caring for children need all the support they can have.
This year, our Child-Parent Academy is virtual. Participants enrolled in our program that do not have access to a device may quality to receive one. Attached is a flyer and a link to our enrollment form. Please help spread the word about this innovative free program. If you have any questions feel free to let me know. We appreciate your support!
VOCEL Child-Parent Academy enrollment link

Main 773.887.3736 | Mobile 312.927-4807
5317 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago, IL 60651