
White House Creating Opportunities For Boys and Young Men of Color

Today, President Obama announced a new initiative to support America’s young men of color, acknowledging that the future prosperity of our nation is tied to the success of all our young people. This announcement is an important milestone in a movement that has been growing over the last 20 years and we (Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation (GADC) ) are excited to be a part of it through our partnership with The Atlantic Philanthropies. The initiative will link and leverage the good work that is happening already and determine which of those solutions can have the biggest impact for our young people and our nation as a whole. 

Through GADC's work with the Atlantic Philanthroies funded, Elev8 program in Auburn Gresham, we have instituted an in-school and out-of-school program model that focus' on middle school scholars, preparing them to be on track for high school and beyond. See press release, which highlights one of our Elev8 successes. The first story is highlighting Richlyn's middle school journey, at's-Success-Story. Richlyn is a successful Elev8 outcome, in progress.

We have many more stories about the positive outcomes from our young black males.  Join us and share your stories about our boys and young men of color. We also want to hear about your successful programs, for young black men. Share your story on the Auburn Gresham portal

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