Get Covered Last Day For Enrollment It Closes March 31st!
Norma Sanders
Published: March 31, 2014
Auburn Gresham, Chatham and Greater Grand Crossing!!!!! The Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation and St. Sabina Resource Center is holding a March Enrollment MadnessEvent to enroll as many residents and businesses as possible, on
- DATE: March 27th
- TIME: 10-2pm
- Conveniently located at 7801 S. State Stree
- Urban Partnership Bank, second floor, in the new off the "RedLine Computer Center," before Enrollment Closes March 31st!!
We agree there are lots of certified Navigators to chose from and we are all capable. However, we are available now to help and take care of your questions and to immediately start the on-line enrollment process and get you and your family all signed up for health insurance.
We don't want you to have to pay any future penalties! If your income is less than $1340 a month, the process is really fast. Give us a call right away, at 773-483-3696 for more details and/or to get an appointment and cover yourself and your family members! Just ask for Khayeem or Norma.