66 Year Old Routing A Fresh Foods Plan for Local Seniors!
Published: December 16, 2015
66 Year Old Revitalizing Plan to Route "Fresh Foods" To Seniors In Local Communities!
Easter Seals Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a skill building and job training program that assists in finding jobs by matching quality older workers with employers, who value what they have to offer.
The Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation (GADC) currently has two seniors from the SCSEP program placed in meaningful jobs, at our 7901 S. Racine location. This week we are highlighting the front desk coordinators, Mr. Dishmon. Yes, he is 66 years and he is who is very active community memeber, of the Your Voice Matters campaign, formed to work on developing the next quality-of-life plan for our community.
For those of us lucky enough to grow up with “old school” siblings, grandparents or parents, on the Southside of Chicago, it was standard to hear endearing words like, “we used to grow our own vege-tables in our backyard gardens and have ” In these times, where the community is approximately 55% seniors, Mrs. Dixon is reversing those terms of endearment and checking in on or neighborhood seniors.
Using, the secure data-set we’ve collected, by servicing seniors over the past five years, as part of the City of Chicago’s SARFS (small accessible repairs for seniors), Mr. Dishman will as part of his Fresh Moves To Seniors outreach plan, he and a group of volunteers will call every senior on the list, to ensure they are aware of this new upcoming offering of local fruits and vegetables. He also wants to work closely with the Fresh Moves owner, to ensure appropriate discounts and access are in place for local residents.
For more tips on eating healthy, staying safe and warm this winter, for all and in particular for seniors, see a good article: HEALTHY EATING TIPS and Cold Weather Tips for Seniors.
If you know of any senior that needs assistance, please refer them to the Greater Auburn-Gresham Development Corporation (GADC), and we will work to link our seniors to one of the many services the City and State have available for them, in Auburn Gresham or throughout the City of Chicago. http://www.cityofchicago.org/city/en/depts/fss/provdrs/senior.html GADC is located at 7901 S. Racine, main phone number is 773.483.3696.