Celebrating the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Norma Sanders
Published: January 18, 2016
Artist: Eric Millikin
"This is a story of the people. Of hopes and dreams, of challenge and change. It is an American story. This story and struggle that started many centuries ago, continues today—with you."
For perspectives, motivations and lessons of organizing for positive change, visit The National Civil Rights Museum, at the Lorraine Hotel, Memphis, Tennessee. My experience was emotional and impactful beginning with the first display. A museum I feel everyone should experience. The permanent exhibits are all well done. Specifically as I reflect on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I recall The Black Power exhibit, could really help to us understand todays dream, of what, how and why #BlackLivesMatters. There are real lessons from this civil rights movement. A movement cannot be just about the desire to want those in charge to resign. I vividly recall this small exhibit as being the most impactful lesson to me and it begs us to focus and begin to articulate collectively the answer to just one question, "What do we want? " says Norma Sanders, editor of www.auburngreshamportal.org.
"The Black Power exhibit shares the rise and fall of one of the most influential, yet often misunderstood, movements in the civil rights struggle. Interpretation of the Black Power movement explains it as a continuation of the Civil Rights Movement rather than a radical new movement."
Celebrating the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 1929 - 1968
"Peace and justice, it doesn't end here. It starts with me. Black Lives Matter.”

Change, Communities, Justice, Martin Luther King Jr., Peace, Your Voice Matters
Posted in This I Believe, Community Highlights