Benefiting the Community By Mutual Agreement
Valerie F. Leonard
Published: November 3, 2016
Allegra Cira Fischer, Staff Attorney, The Law Project
Allegra Cira Fischer, Staff Attorney with The Law Project, will be a guest on the Nonprofit “U” radio blog talk show on Monday, November 7, 2016, from 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Nonprofit "U" is an online forum where nonprofit stakeholders can discuss the latest developments in the sector and increase their capacity to serve their clients and build sustainable communities. Valerie F. Leonard, an expert in community and organizational development is the host. The show will stream live from The archived podcast will be available on BlogTalkRadio,, iTunes Podcast Chart, Blubrry and Stitcher.

“At the end of the day, I'd like listeners to walk away with a clear understanding of what community benefits agreements are, and have realistic expectations regarding the rerwards and challenges of negotiating CBA's”, Fischer said. Fischer will talk about what community benefit agreements (CBA’s) are; the pros and cons, and some of The Law Project’s work in supporting local community based coalitions in their quest for greater democracy in development. There will be opportunities for listeners to call in with questions and participate in live chats. Nonprofit professionals, community advocates, developers and other community stakeholders are especially encouraged to call in and share their stories. The live call in number is (347) 884-8121.
Allegra Cira Fischer, Capacity Building, Community Benefits Agreements, Community Development, The Law Project, Valerie F. Leonard
Posted in CAN TV