Best African-American History Apps and Websites For Teachers, Parents and Students
Common Sense Media
Published: February 9, 2017
CommonSense Media offers these apps, games, and websites in the classroom to balance the triumphs of African-Americans in politics, literature, music, science, and beyond with the continued struggle for social justice. Read more

Common Sense is the leading independent nonprofit organization dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology. We empower parents, teachers, and policymakers by providing unbiased information, trusted advice, and innovative tools to help them harness the power of media and technology as a positive force in all kids’ lives.
Media and technology are at the very center of all our lives today -- especially our children’s. Kids today spend over 50 hours of screen time every week. The media content they consume and create has a profound impact on their social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. Learning how to use media and technology wisely is an essential skill for life and learning in the 21st century. But parents, teachers, and policymakers struggle to keep up with the rapidly changing digital world in which our children live and learn. Now more than ever, they need a trusted guide to help them navigate a world where change is the only constant.
Black History Month, CommonSense Media, YOUmedia Chicago, youth
Posted in Common Sense Media, Education Initiatives