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Earn $40.00 for Cell Phone Focus Research Group


CELL PHONE RESEARCH FOCUS GROUP – University of Illinois at Chicago

We are conducting focus groups on behalf of the Cell Phone Internet Use project at the University of Illinois at Chicago. If you participate, it would involve coming to a one-time session to talk to us and approximately 10 other Chicago residents about your experiences and attitudes about using your cell phone.

Everything we discuss will be confidential. The discussion will be audio recorded and will last about one and a half hours, and you will be paid $40 for your time. We will be serving light snacks and sodas. The focus group session will be held at the Survey Research Lab at 412 S. Peoria. Your participation in this group is voluntary – that means it is up to you if you want to attend.

Focus groups will be in English or Spanish, and will be held on a Saturday. We will contact you with the exact date. For more information, please call the Survey Research Laboratory at the University of Illinois at Chicago at 312-996-6475.

If interested, send an email to with your:

NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. Someone will call you back to confirm your eligibility, and if you are eligible to participate, will schedule you for a focus group.
Please email if you have any questions.

Karen Mossberger, Ph.D., Principal Investigator, IRB #2011-0044

Keywords: CELL PHONE RESEARCH FOCUS GROUP, University of Illinois at Chicago

Posted in Business News