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Community Violence Prevention Testimonials

The Parent Program component of the Community Violence Prevention Program employ and charge 1,110 parent leaders within the 23 CVPP communities to reduce the risk factors that contribute to violence and negativity and promote the factors that contribute to family and community stability, well-being, and peace. Parent leaders will strengthen their own families and work in teams to advance transformation of their neighborhoods. The 19-week Parent Program is a collaboration of citizens, business, government, schools, and non-profit organizations that will support parents in raising healthy, positive, and productive children. The following quotes are testimonials from said parents that exemplify the positive influence of the Parent Program component of the CVPP.

"My experience with the CVPP has inspired me by giving me more peace and serenity in my life as well as being able to share this experience in the lives of others. CVPP has given me resources that will help me to fulfill my role as a parent, strengthening my family life and helping other parents to strengthen theirs also." - Anonymous, CVPP Parent

"Since I've been with CVPP, I've been more of a thinker versus reacting first and thinking second. I've learned so many different coping skills, parenting options, positive responses, and ways to network. Thanks for making me a better parent." - Andreia Jenkins, CVPP Parent

“This program has enlightened me about the importance of always making improvements in your parent style. Everyone has their own stories and styles of parenting that we perhaps inherited from our parents. The CVPP allows us to take the experience that we already have and expound on it in a more positive way. This way it benefits ourselves and our children with positive results.” – Anonymous, CVPP Parent


Keywords: community, CVPP, parents

Posted in Community Highlights