Teen Girls Empowered Through Action (TGETA)
Amber Stone
Published: October 11, 2013
SponsorLove Community Service Foundation (in partnership with Chicago Youth Centers, Rebecca K. Crown Center) is hiring (5) current college seniors or young professional female African American women to volunteer as Youth Mentors in the Teen Girls Empowered through Action (TGETA). TGETA is designed to meet the needs of at-risk urban girls through the provision of comprehensive services that will enhance their basic education, self-esteem, career, and life skills. The after school program targets middle and high school female youth from the Rebecca Crown Center in Chicago’s South Shore neighborhood.
The fall 2013 TGETA Program sessions are every Monday from 4:30pm-6:00pm for middle school girls and everyWednesday for high school girls running from October 21st- December 18th, 2013. Youth Mentors are required to volunteer weekly on either Mondays or Wednesdays (or both).
Download the application and a list of TGETA mentor criteria here.
Mentors will be interviewed in-person or by phone on Saturday, October 19th. All mentors will be required to attend an orientation training session on Monday, October 21st from 6-8pm at UIC, 1640 W. Roosevelt Road, Chicago, IL 60608. Questions or comments may be directed to tgeta@sponsorlove.com.
Posted in CAN TV, Community Highlights, Education Initiatives, Workforce and Career Development