Celebrate the holiday by remembering our fallen soldiers, remembering residents who lost their lives for our peace and by acting to make America better. Celebrate by making our neighborhoods better. Little known fact, 80% of us are exhibiting Peace in our Auburn Gresham streets. As you celebrate the fallen, focus on this fact, celebrate the fallen and Peace, Monday, May 26, 2014, and every day.
St. Leo's Veterans Campus -- Auburn Gresham
"Working For Our Veterans Everyday"

It has been estimated that 18,000 veterans in the Chicago metropolitan area are spending the latter portion of their lives in homelessness or near-homelessness. Sleeping in overnight shelters, on the streets, under bridges, or anywhere they can find a bit of protected space, they suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), service-related health problems or substance abuse problems. These are our vulnerable heroes, 47% of whom served in Vietnam.
The St. Leo Campus, located in Chicago’s Auburn Gresham neighborhood, is another monumental step in Catholic Charities’ dream to keep veterans safe, off the streets, and treated with dignity. The St. Leo Campus is comprised of Catholic Charities’ St. Leo Residence, the Auburn Gresham Community Based Outpatient Clinic, the St. Leo Veterans Garden, and the Pope John II Residence, which provides apartment housing for persons who have physical disabilities.