Auburn Gresham Mikva Students CAN'T KEEP CALM!
Norma Sanders
Published: May 28, 2014
MT @Susuana Vasquez, Executive Director, LISC Chicago and her team stated it best, "Great t-shirts," in a May 28th tweet highlighting Auburn Gresham, Elev8 graduating seniors, sporting I CAN'T KEEP CALM because I'M GRADUATING Class of 2014, on t-shirts during the Mikva Challenge civics fair.
@LISCChicago, says it best for the our local Auburn Gresham, Elev8 graduating seniors, @MikvaChallenge civics fair "Great t-shirts." Courtesy of @LISCChicago Tweet 5.28.14
@GADC_Chicago gives this tweet and #education, a big (favorite)! 
Congratulations to all Elev8 PSCEDU middle school graduates and the 2014 Leadership and Technology high school graduating seniors!!!
Auburn Gresham, Elev8, graduating, Greater Auburn Gresham Development Corporation, LISC, LISC Chicago, MIKVA, seniors
Posted in CAN TV, Community Highlights, Education Initiatives