HACE Career Day, May 5th
Published: March 30, 2015

May 5, 2015, 9am to 2pm, Palmer House Hilton, 17 E. Monroe, Chicago, IL 60603 Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (HACE) Career Day. INVITATION ONLY EVENT - To get invited resume must be submitted to: ChicagoRecruiter@haceonline.org.
We are asking all job seeker candidates to submit their resume to ChicagoRecruiter@haceonline.org in order to get a free invitation to attend the event.
Current Featured Exhibitors: Walgreens, RR Donnelley, BP, Allstate, U.S. Cellular, OmnicomMedia, Best Buy, ConocoPhillips, GEICO, MB Financial, DePaul University, Wintrust, BCBS, Avis
Please help us circulate the attached flyer with all of your contacts that might benefit from attending this event. Download event flyer here!
The Hispanic Alliance for Career Enhancement (HACE) is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of Latino professionals. For over 30 years, HACE has served as a resource for Latinos in the workplace and a source for expertise and insight for corporations seeking to access this growing community of professionals.
career day, career fair, Jobs
Posted in Community Highlights, Workforce and Career Development