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Census Bureau Makes Community Assets Count on Nonprofit “U”

Ileana Serrano, Data Dissemination Specialist with the Census Bureau, shows workshop participants how to navigate at Mabel Manning Library.

Valerie F. Leonard

Ileana Serrano, Data Dissemination Specialist with the U.S. Census Bureau, will be a guest on the Nonprofit “U” radio blog talk show on Monday, August 17, 2015, from 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.  Nonprofit "U" is an online forum where nonprofit stakeholders can discuss the latest developments in the sector and increase their capacity to serve their clients and build sustainable communities. Valerie F. Leonard, an expert in community and organizational development, is the host. The show will stream live from  The podcast will be archived on iTunes,, and Stitcher.

Monday’s episode will provide an overview of and how nonprofits, small businesses and community activist can use the data to develop proposals and programs, strategic plans, business plans and issue analysis. There will be opportunities for listeners to call in with questions and participate in live chats. Nonprofit professionals, and community activists are encouraged to call in and share their stories. The live call in number is  (347) 884-8121.

The Census Bureau is part of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The U.S. Census Bureau is overseen by the Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA) within the Department of Commerce. The Economics and Statistics Administration provides high-quality economic analysis and fosters the missions of the U.S. Census Bureau and the Bureau of Economic Analysis.  “People tend to think about the Census as an event that happens every ten years”, Serrano said.  “They would be amazed at the resources we have for small businesses and nonprofits to make plans that will take them to the next level.”   


Keywords: BlogTalkRadio, Capacity Building, Community Assets, Community Development, Ileana Serrano, Nonprofit "U", Nonprofit Management, nonprofit podcasts, Nonprofits, Organizational Development, U.S. Census Bureau, Valerie F. Leonard

Posted in CAN TV, Community Highlights, Digital Media and Technology Resources, Government Resources and Services