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Think Big: UIC’s Kate Pravera Discusses the Next 5 Things in Nonprofit Management

Kate Pravera, PhD, Founder and Academic Director, UIC Certificate in Nonprofit Management Program

Kate Pravera, the Founder and Academic Director of the UIC Certificate in Nonprofit Management program, will be a guest on the Nonprofit “U” radio blog talk show on Monday,  September 14, 2015, from 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.  Nonprofit "U" is an online forum where nonprofit stakeholders can discuss the latest developments in the sector and increase their capacity to serve their clients and build sustainable communities. Valerie F. Leonard, an expert in community and organizational development is the host. The show will stream live from  The archived podcast will be available on BlogTalkRadio,, iTunes and Stitcher.

Pravera will will share insights on five trends in nonprofit management, and how nonprofit leaders can position themselves to "ride the wave".  Listeners will enjoy a lively discussion on a number of subjects, including exercising democracy; developing innovation literacy; reframing mission in response to change; burying institutional silos and cultivating inclusive leadership.  There will be opportunities for listeners to call in with questions and participate in live chats. Nonprofit professionals, educators and community stakeholders are especially encouraged to call in and share their stories. The live call in number is (347) 884-8121.

            “My goal is to get nonprofit leaders to start focusing on the big picture, and to start to think two, or even three steps ahead”, Pravera said.  “In this environment, we can be so tempted to focus on the crisis at hand, that we forget to position our organizations to use the power of democracy, and to think and act differently regarding our collective role for the public good."

Keywords: Certificate in Nonprofit Management, Community Development, Kate Pravera, Nonprofit "U", Nonprofit Management, nonprofit podcasts, Organizational Development, UIC

Posted in Business News, Business Resource Network (FREE), Common Sense Media, Digital Media and Technology Resources