Common Sense Media
Common Sense Media is dedicated to improving the lives of kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in a world of media and technology.
We exist because children spend more time with media and digital activities than they do with their families or in school, which profoundly impacts their social, emotional, and physical development . As a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization, we provide trustworthy information and tools, as well as an independent forum, so that families can have a choice and a voice about the media they consume. Common Sense Media has partnered with the Auburn Gresham Portal to provide resources to families as they learn to navigate the digital world in a responsible, safe, and meaningful way.
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Parent's Cell Phone Survival Guide
- Common Sense Media, Dec 17, 2010
- Do your kids have a cell phone -- or want one? Common Sense gives you the info you need to make the right choice for your kids.
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