Warp Speed in 20 Years?
- Justice Diamond, Aug 8, 2013
Is warp speed possible? Is it the technology of the future?
TABLET WARS! iPad vs Surface RT
- Justice Diamond Marshall Cotrell, Aug 2, 2013, 2 comments
Which mega company's tablet gives you the best bang for your buck - Microsoft? Or Apple?
Ni Hoa, Chinatown!
- Justice Diamond, Jul 29, 2013
Children from Westcott's Mini Summer Camp going global, without leaving the southside of Chicago.
STAND BACK, Westcott Little Tikes Learn KARATE!
- Justice Diamond, Jul 23, 2013, make a comment
Westcott's Awesome Karate Program!
The Camp of Excitement!
- Marshall Cottrell Justice Diamond, Jul 10, 2013, make a comment
Auburn Gresham's Gold Summer Camp!!!
RCN Franchise Approved by Chicago City Council
- CAN TV, Apr 24, 2012
On April 24, 2012, the Chicago City Council approved a precedent-setting franchise agreement for cable company RCN that provides stable funding and technical parity for the public’s channels in Chicago.
RCN Franchise Renewal Supports CAN TV
- Apr 11, 2012
The week of April 16, the Chicago City Council will vote on a precedent setting agreement for RCN, the first of three cable companies to renew its franchise in Chicago. The 10-year agreement ensures CAN TV’s independence and increases its future stability. Find out how you can get involved.