Chicago Digital Equity Council Update
- Jun 15, 2022
The Chicago Digital Equity Council (DEC) is hosting a series of Community Conversations across the City, with an emphasis on communities with the lowest rates of household internet connectivity, and populations most burdened by digital inequities.
As remote learning ramps up in Chicago, a high-stakes question: Should students be learning anything new?
- Originally posted on Chalkbeat by Mila Koumpilova on April 8, 2020, Apr 8, 2020
Carla Jones, a teacher at Cook Elementary on Chicago’s South Side, weighs in on remote learning plans.
In Some Communities, Less Than 60% Of Households Have Internet. CPS' New Plan Can't Change That.
- By Sarah Karp Mar. 30, 9:56 AM CT, Apr 1, 2020
More than 100,000 households in the city lack a computer or tablet, and almost 200,000 don’t have internet access, according to 2018 U.S. Census data, the most recent available. Internet access varies widely from one community to the next.
YouMedia Chicago - Youth Powered 21st Century Learning
- Nov 1, 2011
A place for youth to create media
The Digital Divide When You Don't Have A Job
- Niala Boodhoo, Jan 14, 2011
CHICAGO - When you talk about a digital divide, you’re probably thinking of inner city kids who don’t have ready access to the Internet. But there’s another group in Auburn Gresham that is looking at the digital divide with a growing sense of urgency.