Civic Media Literacy: The Curriculum Advisory Group
- Feb 8, 2022
CPS Teachers in grades 6 - 12 can earn a stipend by working with the Dept. of Social Science & Civic Engagement as part of a curriculum advisory group.
Sports and Civic Engagement: A Black History Month Series
- Tuesday, February 9th, Tuesday, February 16, & Tuesday, February 23rd (12:00pm CT), Feb 8, 2021
n celebration of Black History Month, the NFL, United Way Worldwide and EVERFI want to dig more deeply into the role of sports as a vehicle for change through civic engagement in a three-part Character Playbook LIVE event series.
Revitalizing Neighborhoods Through Servitude and Innovation
- Valerie F. Leonard, Nov 8, 2015
Determined to ensure that the loss of his brother through street violence was not in vain, Robert Douglas organized the S.O.N Foundation with the vision of making the Roseland community safer and supportive. Join us as Robert talks about ways to stimulate community revitalization and promote self-determination, in low income communities.
At Your Service
- Valerie F. Leonard, Aug 6, 2015
Crystal Sowemimo, the Community Outreach and Development VISTA with Holsten Human Capital Development, will be a guest on the Nonprofit “U” radio blog talk show on Monday, August 10, 2015, from 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Nonprofit "U" is an online forum where nonprofit stakeholders can discuss the latest developments in the sector and increase their capacity to serve their clients and build sustainable communities. Valerie F. Leonard, an expert in community and organizational development, is the host. The show will stream live from BlogTalkRadio.com/nonprofit_u. The podcast will be archived on iTunes, BlogTalkRadio.com/nonprofit_u, Valeriefleonard.com/NonprofitU and Stitcher.